
Customer Engagement Dashboard

Project Type: Comprehensive Redesign

Role: Product Designer, Researcher

Collaborators: Product, Engineering


Support customers on their journey towards getting life insurance and facilitate cross-sell

Policygenius offers life, home, auto and disability insurance. Most customers purchase a single product: Life Insurance. This takes 2-6 weeks and involves a lot of back and forth conversations with our agents. This time presents an opportunity to increase exposure to more than 1 product, which increases the customers lifetime value (LTV) and lowers the cost of acquisition (CAC).

Research & Discovery

Moderated User Interviews

I ran 13 moderated user interviews. Our sample set comprised of:
• 5 Policygenius users (online)
• 2 Policygenius users (spouses, phone)
• 3 non-Policygenius decision makers
• 3 Policygenius non-decision makers.

To better understand how they tackled their financial to do list in their household, what were those pain points and if they were a Policygenius customer to speak to their experience and how they would improve it.

• Households have 1 person who handles the financial decisions (insurance, savings, investing, etc)
• Spouses share most of their accounts (sometimes shared login)
• Lack of information during underwriting. One user said “anxious and blindly waiting for updates”
• No easy way to ask agents questions

Competitive Benchmarking

I explored and surveyed 11 different dashboards, identifying opportunities for us to better support our users, cross sell other products and maintain focus on priority actions. 

Some of the companies: SoFi, Credit Karma, Marcus, Airbnb, Etsy, Albert, Jerry.ai

Wireframes & Design Exploration

Based on our research, users were focused on completing their journey for a single product and we wanted to support any action or update they needed take. We also wanted to showcase our other product offerings and why they would be relevant to a user.

Early dashboard wireframes

Policy card explorations

We saw these cards as place to present users with relevant information like which policy is at what step in the process and if there is any action they need to take.

Usability Testing

I led 2 rounds of usability testing: one moderated and one unmoderated card sorting and comprehension test.


I spoke with 4 existing Policygenius users and 4 people who had never used Policygenius before. We sent them through our designs as a user who applied for home insurance quotes after being in the life insurance process. We looked to see if they could tell us the difference between applications, their statuses, what actions they needed to take and how they would communicate with our team.


We setup a similar scenario as the first test. Before they saw the designs, we had them do a card sorting exercise to show how they would want information to be prioritized. After they went through the exercise, we asked if their expectations had been met.

• Overwhelming excitement for a dashboard that houses all their insurance
• ‘What action do I need to take now’ is the most important thing for all users
• Transparency in the process, even in times of waiting, alleviates stress
• Prioritization expectations met in most cases, exceeded in some too
• 24hr response time expected for asking questions

Cardsorting ranking data

Usertesting.com session

MVP Designs

New dashboard showing the life application confirmation page.

New dashboard showing a life application in the underwriting step

Responsive designs

New message center

Responsive message center

The Results

We rolled out the MVP of our dashboard, which included a basic cross sell module to display our product offering.

What’s next:

  • Improve Interface: A big constraint for us was ‘Do no harm’. This meant that we had to convert the existing process, copy and information displayed 1:1, which limited our experience updates.

  • Personalization: If we ask a user questions about their situation and show them recommendations, does the conversion rate increase?

  • Shortcut the Process: Does offering a shortcut to quote estimates increase P&C re-shop conversions?

  • Checkup: How can we leverage a checkup/quiz to improve advice and cross sell? 


We’ve successfully stood up the central hub of the Policygenius experience. It will become a place for every product team (life, home & auto, disability, wills) to engage with their users, perform tests and build into as they work towards their specific goals.

2.0 Design Exploration

When our MVP launched, we were in the midst of a brand redesign. As part of that work, I explored ways improve our dashboard experience. I wanted to focus a user’s attention on actions and content, lean further into cross sell and reduce the overall clutter of the experience.

Dashboard 2.0 - Life confirmation

Dashboard 2.0 - Sign application

Dashboard being added to the mobile app


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